Series of MEEMB Tomes

Drăgan Petru, Gârban Zeno (Eds.)
Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology, Tome I (310 p)

Foreword by Prof. Mihai Şerban, PhD – corresponding member of Romanian Academy, president of Comission of Biochemistry of Romanian Academy Bucureşti

Organised under the auspices of Romanian Academy – Branch Timişoara and Commission of Biochemistry of Romanian Academy Bucureşti

Publishing House Mirton Timişoara, 1994 (ISBN 973-578-045-3)


Gârban Zeno, Drăgan Petru (Eds.)
Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology, Tome II (398 p)

Foreword by Acad. Prof. Ionel Haiduc, PhD – vicepresident of Romanian Academy Bucureşti

Organised under the auspices of Romanian Academy – Branch Timişoara Timisoara and Commission of Biochemistry of Romanian Academy Bucuresti

Publishing House Eurobit Timişoara, 1996 (ISBN 973-9336-15-9)


Gârban Zeno, Drăgan Petru (Eds.)
Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology, Tome III (392 p)

Foreword by Acad. Prof. Toma Dordea, PhD, Eng. – president of Branch Timişoara – Romanian Academy

Organised under the auspices of Romanian Academy – Branch Timişoara and Commission of Biochemistry of Romanian Academy Bucureşti

Publishing House Eurobit Timisoara, 1998 (ISSN 1583-4204)


Gârban Zeno, Drăgan Petru (Eds.)
Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology, Tome IV (378 p)

Foreword by Acad. Prof. Toma Dordea, PhD, Eng. – president of Branch Timişoara – Romanian Academy

Organised under the auspices of Romanian Academy – Branch Timişoara and Commission of Biochemistry of Romanian Academy Bucureşti

Publishing House Eurobit Timisoara, 2000 (ISSN 1583-4204)


Gârban Zeno, Drăgan Petru (Eds.)
Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology, Tome V (260 p)

Foreword by Acad. Prof. Toma Dordea, PhD, Eng. – president of Branch Timişoara –
Romanian Academy

Organised under the auspices of Romanian Academy – Branch Timişoara and
Commission of Biochemistry of Romanian Academy Bucureşti

Publishing House Eurobit Timisoara, 2002 (ISSN 1583-4204)


Gârban Zeno, Drăgan Petru (Eds.) – in collaboration with Avacovici Adina, Davidescu Corneliu, Drăgan Simona, Gârban Gabriela, Lăzureanu Aurel, Vaszilcsin Nicolae
Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology, Tome VI (366 p)

Foreword by Prof. Costin Cernescu, MD, PhD – corresponding member of the Romanian Academy; Director of the „Ştefan Nicolau” Institute of Virology Bucureşti

Organised under the auspices of Romanian Academy – Branch Timişoara

Publishing House Eurobit Timişoara, 2004 (ISSN 1583-4204)


Gârban Zeno, Drăgan Petru (Eds.) – in collaboration with Davidescu Cornel, Drăgan Simona, Gârban Gabriela, Gergen Iosif, Vaszilcsin Nicolae
Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology, Tome VII (356 p)

Foreword by Prof. Costin Cernescu, MD, PhD – corresponding member of the Romanian Academy; Director of the „Ştefan Nicolau” Institute of Virology Bucureşti

Organised under the auspices of Romanian Academy – Branch Timişoara

Publishing House Eurobit Timişoara, 2006 (ISSN 1583-4204)


Silaghi-Dumitrescu Ioan, Gârban Zeno, Drăgan Petru (Eds.) – in collaboration with Davidescu Cornel, Gârban Gabriela, Gergen Iosif, Drăgan Simona, Vaszilcsin Nicolae, Avacovici Adina
Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology, Tome VIII (310 p)

Foreword by Prof. Zeno Simon, PhD – corresponding member of Romanian Academy; President of Branch Timişoara of Romanian Academy

Organised under the auspices of Romanian Academy Branch Timişoara and Branch Cluj-Napoca

Publishing House Eurobit Timişoara, 2008 (ISSN 1583-4204)


Silaghi-Dumitrescu Ioan, Gârban Zeno, Drăgan Petru (Eds.) – in collaboration with Gârban Gabriela, Silaghi-Dumitrescu Radu
Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology, Tome IX (186 p)

Organised under the auspices of Romanian Academy-Branch Cluj-Napoca and Branch Timişoara

Publishing House
Cluj University Press Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, 2009
(ISSN 1583-4204)
