A. Study of the effects of the interaction of DNA with metals (metal compounds). There were followed aspects regarding the modifications of the macromolecule in vitro (using circular dichroism) and in vivo determinations with specificity of bioanalytical chemistry with interest on hepatic DNA and seric proteins homeostasis (using spectrophotometric methods and electrophoresis). In general, there have been investigated the adducts DNA-metals that can be considered „ad limina” between metallomics and proteomics. The study of DNA-metal adducts was extended both in relations with specific aspects of biochemistry and molecular biology (in case of alkaline and alkaline-earth metals) and in relations with xenobiochemistry (in case of metals with toxicogen potential: Pb, Hg, Cd) and in chemotherapy (in case of cis-platinum).
Suggested reading:
Garban Z. – Adducts of deoxyribonucleic acid with metals ad limina of interdisciplinarity metallomics and proteomics, pp.153-162, in Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology, Tome VIII (Eds. Silaghi-Dumitrescu I., Gârban Z., Drăgan P.), Publishing House Eurobit Timişoara, 2008.
Garban Z., Garban Gabriela, Ghibu G.D. – The importance of deoxyribonucleic acid adducts in biochemistry and xenobiochemistry, Revista de Chimie, 2007, 58(5), 456-460.
Avacovici Adina, Garban Z. – Method of circular dichroism for investigating the interaction between DNA and metals. Note II. Peculiarities of the investigations in the system DNA/metal ions. pp.799-805, in Macro and Trace Elements, Mengen- und Spurenelemente, 23. Workshop 2006, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Hrsg. Anke M. et al.), Verlag Harald Schubert, Leipzig, 2006.
Garban Z., Avacovici Adina – Experimental data concerning the interaction of DNA with some alkaline-earth and trace metal ions studied by the method of circular dichroism., pp.119-127, in New Perspectives in the Research of Hardly Known Trace Elements (Ed. Pais I.), University Press of U.H.F.S. Budapest, 1999.
Garban Z., Aumüller Corina, Daranyi Gabriela, Riviş A., Precob V. – Implications of the chronobiochemistry-metabolism relationship in the induction of homeostasis changes. IV. The action of Cu2+ and Mn2+ on hepatic DNA biosynthesis and on serum proteins, pp. 164-167, in Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Trace Elements in Man and Animals”, Dresden-Germany, May 16-21, 1993 (Eds. Anke M., Meissner D., Mills C.F.), Verlag Media Touristik, Gersdorf, 1993.
Garban Z., Daranyi Gabriela, Bucuraş V., Prunkl Agneta, Precob V. – Dishomeostasy of DNA, Mg2+ and non-protein nitrogen metabolites induced by cis-platinum, p.49, in “20th FEBS Meeting”, Abstracts Volume, Budapest, August 19-24, 1990.
Garban Z., Văcărescu G., Daranyi Gabriela, Popeţi Doina, Eremia Iulia, Maurer Ana – Chemical structure-biological activity relationship in the interaction of DNA with cis-platinum, “l4th Intemational Congress of Biochemistry”, Abstracts, Vol.V, p.80, Prague, July 10-15, 1988.
Garban Z., Maurer Ana, Miklos J, Repanovici Rodica, Daranyi Gabriela, Precob V., Sayti L., Popeţi Doina – Some considerations concerning the action of cis-platinum on deoxyribonucleic acid. I. Investigations in vitro and in vivo, Rev. roum. Biochim., 1986, 23 (4), 293-302.
Garban Z., Voiculescu Livia, Checiu Maria, Erema Iulia – The influence of zinc and cobalt on the deoxyribonucleic acid biosynthesis and on the genetic information transmission in experimental animals. Note II. Effect on the serum proteins biosynthesis and on the embrionary development, Rev. roum. Biochim., 1984, 21(2), 109-117.
Garban Z., Daranyi Gabriela, Miklos J, Manu Rodica – Influence of zinc and cobalt on the deoxyribonucleic acid biosynthesis and on the transmission of the genetic information in experimental animals. Note I. Effect on the biosynthesis of hepatic deoxyribonucleic acid, Rev. roum. Biochim., 1984, 21 (1), 25-31.
Garban Z. – Biochemistry: Comprehensive treatise, Vol. I, 2nd (LXXXVI + 769 pg.), Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică R.A., Bucureşti, 1999 (in Romanian)
Garban Z. – Molecular biology, 5th ed., (LVI+534 pag.), Editura Eurobit Timişoara, 2005 (in Romanian)
Garban Z. – Influence of metals on deoxyribonucleic acid, Chap. 7. pp.401-414 in “Elements and their Compounds in the Environment: Occurrence, Analysis and Biological Relevance” Vol. I General Aspects, (Editors Merian E., Anke M., Ihnat M., Stoeppler M.), 2nd edition, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KgaA, Weinheim, 2004
B. Investigation of the interactions of DNA with diverse compounds (of food importance and pharmaceutic interest) with teratogenous action.These problems have been approached in relation with the domain of xenobiochemistry – a subsequent domain of biochemistry – predilectly oriented to metal ions, mycotoxins, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, extended to cytostatic drugs. Investigations regarding the action of xenobiotics on the organism – studied on laboratory animals (rats, rabbits) – evidenced modifications of the biochemical homeostasis with interest for the protidic, lipidic and hydroelectrolytic metabolisms. In case of protidic metabolites have been made studies regarding the non-proteic nitrogenous metabolites (i.e. uric acid, creatinine, urea) in relation with the effects on the renal and hepatic function. Thus could also be made an evaluation of the biochemical injury with implications in physiopathology and morphopathology.
Suggested reading:
Garban Gabriela, Ghibu G.-D., Garban Z., Avacovici Adina, Aumüller Corina, Velciov Ariana-Bianca – Some comparative aspects regarding xenobiochemistry and the problem of DNA-metal ions and DNA-nitrosamines adducts in biomonitoring, pp.635-640, in Macro and Trace Elements, Mengen- und Spurenelemente, 23. Workshop 2006, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Hrsg. Anke M. et al.), Verlag Harald Schubert, Leipzig, 2006.
Garban Z. – Investigations concerning the interaction of deoxyribonucleic acid with Cu2+ and Mn 2+ ions, pp.325-330, in “Defizite und Überschisse an Mengen- und Spuren-elementen in der Ernährung”, 14. Arbeitstagung Mengen- und Spurenelemente, 1994, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, (Hrsg. Anke M., Meissner D. et al.), Verlag Harald Schubert, Leipzig, 1994.
Garban Z., Daranyi Gabriela, Văcărescu G., Precob V., Eremia Iulia, Popeţi Doina, Maurer Ana – Homeostasis changes induced by the action of metal compounds in the materno-fetal complex. II. The action of cis-platinum in rat females during advanced pregnancy, Rev. roum. Biochim., 1988, 25 (2), 113-120.
Garban Z., Precob V., Daranyi Gabriela, Eremia Iulia, Tudora Georgeta – Homeostasis changes induced by chronic alcoholization in the materno-fetal complex in rats, Teratology, 1986, 34(3), 414.
Garban Z., Eremia Iulia, Daranyi Gabriela – Chronobiochemical aspects of the hepatic DNA biosynthesis in experimental animals under the action of some metals, J. Embryol. exp. Morph. Suppl. Cambridge, 1984, 1, 6.
Garban Z., Voiculescu Livia, Checiu Maria, Eremia Iulia – The action of Zn and Co upon DNA synthesis and serum proteins during prenatal development of albino rats, Teratology, 1984, 29(3), 23A-24A.
Garban Z. – Xenobiochemistry: Comprehensive treatise, Vol. IV (XLVI + 472 pg), Editura Eurobit Timişoara, 2005 (in Romanian)
Garban Z. – Chemical xenobiotics of food interest (XVI + 326 pg.), Editura Eurobit Timişoara, 2004 (in Romanian)
C. Researches having in view the effects of alcohol on laboratory animals having in view the duality regarding the concepts of foods and drugs. Alcohol has been administered per-orally in ad libidum consumption in drinking water. On experimental animal models was studied the early and late effect of alcohol on the organisms of mother and conceptuses (materno-fetal complex). On this regard were determined some proteic metabolites (hepatic DNA, serum proteins), some lipidic metabolites (total lipids, triglicerides, cholesterol, etc.) and seric metallograms, following the dishomeostasic effects.
Suggested reading:
Garban Gabriela, Precob V., Garban Z., Avacovici Adina, Şelaru C. – Serum lipid metabolites in alcohol consuming rats, Central European Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2002, 8(2-3), 157-161
Garban Z., Daranyi Gabriela, Gergen I., Prunkl Agneta, Ştefan Carmen, Gogoaşă I. – Homeostasis changes induced by the action of ethanol on the materno-fetal complex in rats. VII. Effects on some alkaline and alkaline-earth metals of blood serum, Rev. roum. Morphol.-Embryol., 1990, XXXVI, 3, 167-177.
Garban Z., Sandor S., Daranyi Gabriela, Prunkl Agneta, Precob V., Gergen I., Eremia Iulia – Homeostasis changes induced by the action of ethanol on the materno-fetal complex in rats. V. Late fetal effects of acute intoxication during preimplantation period, Rev.roum.Morphol.-Embryol., 1990, XXXVI, 1, 59-68.
Garban Z., Daranyi Gabriela, Borza-Ţeicu Iconia, Nemeş Radiţa, Precob V.- Homeostasis changes induced by the action of ethanol on the materno-fetal complex in rats. IV. Late maternal effects following acute intoxication during the preimplantational period, Rev.roum.Morphol.-Embryol., 1989, 4, 289-295.
Garban Z., Sandor S., Eremia Iulia, Voiculescu Livia – Effect of alcoholization upon maternal and fetal hepatic DNA and the maternal serum proteins in pregnant albino rats, Rev roum. Morphol.-Embryol., 1985, XXXI, 1, 9-16.
Daradics L., Garban Z., Sandor S., Checiu Maria – A gaschromatographic micro- method used for detection of ethanol in some biological liquids, Rev. roum. Morpho1.-Embryol., 1981, 4, 299-302.
Garban Z. (Ed.) – Biochemistry: Comprehensive treatise, Vol. III, Metabolisms 2nd ed., (XLVIII+460 pg.), Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică R.A., Bucureşti 2005 (in Romanian)
Garban Z., Garban Gabriela – Human nutrition. Vol. I. Fundamental problems, 3rd ed., (XXX + 368 pag.), Editura Orizonturi Universitare, Timişoara, 2003 (in Romanian)
Gârban Z. – Acţiunea alcoolului asupra metabolismului embrio-fetal. pp.139 149, în “Embrio- şi fetopatia alcoolică”, (Editor Sandor S.), Editura Academiei Române Bucureşti, 1993 (ISBN 973 270368 7).
D. Studies on biochemical pathology (patobiochemistry) in relation with the role of metals in urolithogenesis, with interest on the general mechanism of heterogenous (bioionorganic) nucleation in lithiasis, distribution of metals in different types of lithiasis (e.g. urates, oxalates, phosphates, cystine etc.). On this purpose, by means of infrared spectroscopy (IRS) were studied the types of lithiasis and by means of atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) was determined the quantum of metals in diverse uroconcrements. There could be made a distinction of the implications of diverse alkaline metals (Na, K), alkaline-earth metals (Ca, Mg), metal oligoelements (Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe, Pb) in patobiochemical effects. This domain was also correlated with nutritional aspects and with the mechanisms of specific nucleation for diverse metabolites present in lithiasic concrements (e.g. nephrolithiasis, sialolithiasis etc.).
Suggested reading:
Garban Z., Garban Gabriela, Vasiluţă I., Sayti L., Pup Mihaela, Ghibu G.D. -Metallograms of sialoconcrements with metabolic and nutritional aspects. Note I. Alkaline and alkaline-earth metals, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Chemia, 2007, LII (1), 119 -126.
Drăgan P., Garban Z. – New data regarding the metallogram of the patients with urolithiasis before and after surgical and ESWL treatment, pp.77-82, in Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology, Tome V (Eds. Garban Z., Drăgan P.), Publishing House Eurobit, Timişoara, 2002.
Drăgan P., Garban Z. – Clinical aspects and biochemical pathology in oxalic urolithiasis – peculiarities of the metallic composition, pp.45-58, in Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology, Tome IV (Eds. Garban Z., Drăgan P.), Publishing House Eurobit, Timişoara, 2000.
Garban Z., Daranyi Gabriela, Drăgan P., Avacovici Adina – Metallograms in simple and mixed urolithiasis, J. Trace Elements in Experimental Medicine, 1998, 1l, 376.
Garban Z., Daranyi Gabriela, Drăgan P., Sigartău Gr., Avacovici Adina, Urzică A. – Investigations on the composition and etiopathogeny of lithiasis. XXVII.Thermal analysis and atomic absorption spectroscopy in the identification of urolithiasis, pp.307-312, in New Perspectives in the Research of Hardly Known Trace Elements and Their Role in Life Science, (Ed. Pais I.), University Press of U.H.F. Budapest, 1996.
Garban Z., Drăgan P., Daranyi Gabriela, Nemeş Gisela, Şişu E., Şoşdean Doina, Martoni Livia – Etudes biochimiques sur quelques métaux presents dans les urolithiases. II. De-termination de quelques métaux transitionnels, Rev.roum.Biochim., 1990, 27 (3), 209-216.
Garban Z., Drăgan P., Ciubotariu D., Peter F., Mureşan Codruţa, Miloş M. – Investigations on the composition and etiopathogeny of lithiasis. I. Purine urolithiasis, Rev.roum. Biochim., 1989, 26 (3), 201-208.
Garban Z., Drăgan P., Nemeş Gisela, Daranyi Gabriela, Sigartău Gr., Şişu E., Mureşan Codruţa – Biochemical studies on some metals present in urolithiasis. II. Determination of the main alkaline and alkaline-earth metals, Rev. roum. Biochim., 1987, 24 (3), 221-227.
Drăgan P., Garban Z., Ciubotariu D., Giurgiulescu Elena, Holban Şt., Bucuraş Note V. – Investigations on urolithiasis by means of infrared spectroscopy and computer, Rev. roum. Biochim., 1986‚ 23 (3), 161-169.
Garban Z. (Ed.) – Biochemistry: Comprehensive treatise, Vol. III, Metabolisms 2nd ed., (XLVIII+460 pg.), Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică R.A., Bucureşti 2005 (in Romanian)
Garban Z., Garban Gabriela – Human nutrition. Vol. I. Fundamental problems, 3rd ed., (XXX + 368 pag.), Editura Orizonturi Universitare, Timişoara, 2003 (in Romanian)
E. Investigations of the biochemistry of nucleic acids and molecular biology, focused predilectly on the adducts DNA-metal ions, interaction DNA-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, interaction DNA-cytostatics in vitro and in vivo (interaction pharmacon-receptor in the context of building adducts of DNA-cyclophosphamide, DNA-cis-platinum type). In vitro investigations (by means of circular dichroism) put into evidence the transition of B-DNA (native form) structure to other forms with dextrogire rotation (C-DNA, A-DNA). The studies of the interactions with nucleic acids allowed to reveal some peculiar aspects, important for biochemistry and its subsequent domain, xenobiochemistry, with interest for the nutritional and pharmacologic xenobiotics.
Suggested reading:
Garban Z., Garban Gabriela, Velciov Ariana-Bianca Ghibu G.D. – Interaction of deoxyribonucleic acid with cis-platinum : structure-activity relationship, Rev. Roum. Chimie, 2007, 52 (1-2), 207-213.
Garban Z., Avacovici Adina – Comparative aspects of the interaction of DNA with chemical xenobiotics of the class of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and some metals with toxicogen potential, pp. 1748-1762, in ” Macro and Trace Elements, Mengen- und Spurenelemente, 22. Arbeitstagung 2004″, Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena, (Hrsg. Anke M., et al.), Verlag Harald Schubert, Leipzig, 2004.
Garban Z., Carţiş Ioana, Avacovici Adina, Moldovan – Comparative aspects between the interaction of deoxyribonucleic acid with some cytostatic drugs: Note I. Parti-cularisation for the action with cis-platinum and cyclophosphamide. I. Investigations in vivo on experi-mental animals, pp.1118-1125, in Mengen- und Spurenelemente, 20. Arbeitstagung 2000, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Hrsg. Anke M. et al.); Verlag Harald Schubert, Leipzig, 2000.
Garban Z. – In vitro and in vivo studies concerning the Zn and Mn effects on deoxyribonucleic acid, pp.794-802, in Mengen- und Spurenelemente. 16. Arbeitstagung 1996, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Hrsg.Anke M.et al.), Verlag Harald Schubert, Leipzig, 1996.
Garban Z., Nicola Tr., Daranyi Gabriela, Precob V., Gătlan Doina, Urzică A. – Action of cis-platinum on homeostasis of serum non-protein nitrogenous metabolites, pp.538-545, in Mengen- und Spurenelemente, 15. Arbeitstagung 1995, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, (Hrsg.Anke M. et al.), Verlag Harald Schubert, Leipzig, 1995.
Garban Z., Munteanu I., Daranyi Gabriela, Nemeş Radita, Manu Rodica – The action of cis-platinum on hepatic DNA and some non-protein nitrogen metabolites in the materno-fetal complex in rats, Placenta Int. J., 1991, 12, 5.
Garban Z., Daranyi Gabriela, Munteanu I., Sigartău Gr., Eremia Iulia, Mracec Maria – Homeostasis changes in materno-fetal complex. IV.Cis-platinum action on rat conceptuses, Teratology, 1988, 38(2), 19A.
Garban Z., Daranyi Gabriela, Erdelean R., Nemeş Radiţa, Gergen I., Prunkl Agneta, Mureşan Codruţa, Dop Beatrice – Homeostasis changes induced by the action of metal compounds in materno-fetal complex. Note III. The action of cis-platinum in rat conceptuses during advanced pregnancy, Rev. roum. Biochim., 1988, 25 (2), 121-129.
Garban Z., Daranyi Gabriela, Văcărescu G., Precob V., Eremia Iulia, Popeţi Doina, Maurer Ana – Homeostasis changes induced by the action of metal compounds in the materno-fetal complex. Note II. The action of cis-platinum in rat females during advanced pregnancy, Rev. roum. Biochim., 1988, 25 (2), 113-120.
Garban Z., Maurer Ana, Miklos J, Repanovici Rodica, Daranyi Gabriela, Precob V., Sayti L., Popeţi Doina – Some considerations concerning the action of cis-platinum on deoxyribonucleic acid. Note I. Investigations in vitro and in vivo, Rev. roum. Biochim., 1986, 23 (4), 293-302.
Garban Z. (Ed.) – Biochemistry: Comprehensive treatise, Vol. III, Metabolisms 2nd ed., (XLVIII+460 pg.), Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică R.A., Bucureşti 2005 (in Romanian)
Garban Z., Drăgan P. (Eds.) Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology, Tome III, (392 pag.), Publishing House “Eurobit” Timişoara 1998
Garban Z. Implications of the chronobiochemistry metabolism relationship in the induction of homeostasis changes: The action of the Mg2+ and Zn2+ ions on DNA. Chapter 71, pp.482 489, in “Advances in Magnesium Research” (Editor Smetana R.), J. Libbey, London Paris Rome Sidney, 1997
F. A special domain was represented by the studies of nutrients’ metabolisation and xenobiotics’ biotransformation. There have been highlighted the peculiarities of biochemical homeostasis, the action of xenobiotics of nutritional interest, oligoelements, nitrates, hydrocarbons, ethanol etc. The problem of some micronutrients from the group of biometals and of some additives interesting mainly nitrates and metal ions (present in various food additives, was investigated in relation with the modifications of metallograms of blood, tissues (muscle) and organs (liver, kidney, brain etc.)
Suggested reading:
Riviş A., Velciov Ariana-Bianca, Garban Z., Costescu Corina, Nichita Ileana – Influence of cis-platinum administration at different doses of zinc, copper and iron concentration in hepatic tissue, Rev. Chim. (Bucureşti), 2008, 59 (4), 388-391.
Avacovici Adina, Garban Z. – Peculiarities of the interrelation nutrients-xenobiotics from the biochemistry of metabolism to the pathobiochemistry of biotransformations: An overview on metals, pp.139-148, in Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology, Tome VI (Eds. Garban Z., Drăgan P.), Publishing House Eurobit, Timişoara, 2004.
Daranyi Gabriela, Vincu Mirela, Garban Z., Clep Camelia, Velciov P., Rinovetz A. – Nutritional and pharmacological significance of bioavailability related to biomineral compounds, Central European Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2000, 6 (2-3), 156-160.
Garban Z., Daranyi Gabriela, Dumitru M., Vincu Mirela, Avacovici Adina, Kovacsovics Beatrice, Lupşa Ioana – Investigations concerning the concentration of some metallic elements in meat food products. Note III. Some metallic bioelements in meat, pp. 532-537, in Mengen- und Spurenelemente, 15. Arbeitstagung 1995, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, (Hrsg. Anke M. et al.), Verlag Harald Schubert, Leipzig, 1995.
Garban Z., Paraschivoiu R., Borza Rodica,Roncov Fr., Jurebie Livia, Boc Dana, Vincu Mirela, Domniţeanu Camelia – Food additives with metal content used in the countries of the European Economical Community, pp.107-110, Metal Element in Environment, Medicine and Biology, Tome I (Eds. Drăgan P., Garban Z.), Publishing House “Mirton” Timişoara, 1994.
Garban Z., Precob V., Daranyi Gabriela, Eremia Iulia, Tudora Georgeta – Homeostasis changes induced by chronic alcoholization in the materno-fetal complex in rats, Teratology, 1986, 34(3), 414.
Garban Z., Sandor S., Eremia Iulia, Precob V., Sere I. – Homeostasis changes induced by the action of ethanol on the materno-fetal complex in rats. II. Biosynthesis of fetal hepatic DNA and somatic development of the conceptuses, Rev. roum. Biochim., 1985, 22(4), 263-268.
Garban Z., Sandor S., Daranyi Gabriela, Eremia Iulia, Tudora Georgeta – Homeostasis changes induced by the action of ethanol on the materno-fetal complex in rats. I. Hepatic DNA and some serum metabolites in pregnant females, Rev. roum. Biochim., 1985, 22(3), 191-199.
Garban Z., Sandor S., Eremia Iulia, Voiculescu Livia – Effect of alcoholization upon maternal and fetal hepatic DNA and the maternal serum proteins in pregnant albino rats, Rev roum. Morphol.-Embryol., 1985, XXXI, 1, 9-16.
Sandor S., Garban Z., Checiu Maria, Daradics L. – The presence of ethanol in the oviductal and uterine luminal fluid of alcoholized rats, Rev. roum.Morphol.-Embryol., 1981, I, 4, 303-309.
Garban Z. – Chemical xenobiotics of food interest (XVI + 326 pg.), Editura Eurobit Timişoara, 2004 (in Romanian)
Garban Z., Drăgan P., Garban Gabriela (Eds.) Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology, Tome V, (366 pag.), Publishing House “Eurobit” Timişoara 2002
G. Some studies approached problems of inorganic biochemistry in the complex frame of the role of nutrients and various xenobiotics’ biochemical homeostasis (researches on the action of metal ions on experimental animal models in embriology). There were also evidenced aspects regarding the role of chronobiochemistry and chronopharmacology in biochemical homeostasis (action of cis-platinum on DNA and seric proteins in laboratory animals)
Suggested reading:
Garban Z. – Chronobiochemistry-metabolism relationship in the action of cis-platinum on hepatic DNA and non-protein nitrogen metabolites, J. Trace Elements in Experimental Medicine, 1998, 11, 375.
Garban Z. – Dynamic characteristics of biological processes in relation with metallic ions., pp. 199-206‚ in Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology, Tome III (Eds. Garban Z., Drăgan P.), Publishing House Eurobit Timişoara, 1998.
Garban Z., Dancău G., Daranyi Gabriela, Erdelean R., Văcărescu G., Precob V., Eremia Iulia, Udrişte C. – Implication of chronobiochemistry-metabolism relationship in the induction of homeostasis changes. I. The action of cis-platinum on hepatic DNA biosynthesis and on some serum metabolites in rats, Rev. roum. Biochim., 1989, 26(2), 107-117.
Garban Z., Daranyi Gabriela, Ţeicu-Borza Iconia, Jianu F., Brazdă Maria, Nemeş Radiţa, Eremia Iulia – Homeostasis changes induced by cobalt action on the materno-fetal complex in rats. Note I. Biochemical and somatometric aspects, Teratology, 1986, 33(2), 17A-18A.
Garban Z. – Biochemistry: Comprehensive treatise, Vol. I, 2nd (LXXXVI + 769 pg.), Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică R.A., Bucureşti, 1999 (in Roumanian)
Garban Z., Drăgan P. (Eds.) Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology, Tome III, (392 pag.), Publishing House “Eurobit” Timişoara 1998
The approached topics are inscribed in the far-reaching interdisciplinry domains in relation with biosciences – food science and life sciences – food science. Selected papers are from over 330 articles (the large majority published in Romanian).
In all cases I followed accurately and coeherently research themes in the domains: inorganic biochemistry; biochemistry of nucleic acids and molecular biology – with interest on metal research; c) biochemical processes in the metabolisation of nutrients and biotransformation of xenobiotics (food ingredients and chemotherapic cytostatics); d) teratological effects of chemical compounds (e.g. alcohol, metal ions, nitrogen mustard etc.) in laboratory animals. During my research activity I coordinated research topics included in the programmes of the Academy of Medical Sciences, Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Ministry of Education. Obviously, options have been correlated with the on the job specificity but following the elective domains of research.